Suicide Prevention Resources
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
1-800-273-TALK (8255) or 988
What is Suicide?
Suicide describes the voluntary and intentional takings of one’s own life.
Yearly, there are more than 37,000 suicides committed and hundreds of thousands of suicides attempted in the United States. Suicide is the 3rd leading cause of death among teens in Mississippi. For every attempt and suicide made, there are countless friends, family members, and loved ones who are affected.
People who talk about suicide will not commit suicide.
All suicidal people want to die.
All suicidal people are mentally ill.
Suicide is inherited.
Once a person is suicidal, he or she is suicidal forever.
If you ask someone if he/she wants to commit suicide you might give them the idea; so avoid any such direct questioning.
Suicide occurs exclusively among the poor or the rich.
The goal of suicide prevention at DREAM of Hattiesburg is to educate and provide the tools necessary to aid in the fight against suicide. Below are some resources specific to Mississippi.
DREAM of Hattiesburg, Inc.
Suicide is the 3rd leading cause of death among teens in Mississippi. There are many resources available that can help lower that statistic. Suicide is 100% preventable! When someone comes to you, or if you are dealing with suicidal thoughts, tell someone. Shatter the silence! So what do you do when you’re approached by a friend that is struggling with suicidal thoughts?
Young people face many different stresses in life: loss, trauma, sickness, bullying, etc. Because of this, schools need a variety of resources to aid in the fight against youth suicide. All suicide is preventable—having the right tools and methods can save a young person’s life. There are many resources available to prepare school administrators for circumstances from preventing a suicide to mourning after a suicide in your school.
For more information, check below.
Preventing Suicide: A Toolkit for High Schools
Suicide prevention is a fight for everyone. Professionals are constantly working to find better resources for training and development in order to prevent suicide. Resources are available below for professional enhancement:
Contact DREAM for Trainings in MS
QPR (Question, Persuade, and Refer) Training is Available for your group

People who talk about suicide frequently do attempt and commit suicide
Most suicidal people are ambivalent about their death wish.
Asking people about suicidal intentions will not cause them to commit suicide.
Suicide rarely happens, without warning.
Once a person is suicidal, he or she is not necessary suicidal forever.
Suicidal is not inherited.
Not all suicidal people are crazy.
Suicide occurs in both the upper and lower socioeconomic classes.
Here are some great materials for general suicide prevention.
American Foundation for Suicide Prevention
Suicide prevention is a necessity for people of all walks of life. Suicide prevention for LGBTQ youth is an area of constantly expanding research. Many people struggle with their sexual orientation due to fears of “coming out,” being accepted or denied, conflicts with their religious background, etc.
The Suicide Prevention Resource Center hosts a training workshop for assisting LGBTQ youth.
More information can be found on the SPRC website.
Veterans possess many of the same suicidal risk factors as the general population. Undiagnosed mental disorders linked to Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) or Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) can add to the stress of re-entering regular civilian life. When there are multiple stressors present, the risk of suicide rises. So what should you look for when you’re concerned about your veteran?
Major Depression
Drugs and alcohol
Unusual perceptions of reality
Bipolar Disorder
Talking about death
Expressing hopelessness
Lack of interest in general activities
Insomnia, panic attacks and anxiety attacks
Trouble with the law
Searching for suicide methods
Aggression and impulsive behavior
Intense and unstable mood swings
History of suicide attempts or suicide in the family
Express your concern
Don’t leave him or her alone
Take him or her to a clinic, emergency room, or call 911 or the National Suicide Prevention Hotline (1-800-273-8255)
Encourage him or her to seek professional assistance
Provide support during recovery
Help maintain social connections
Restrict access to weapons, narcotics, or any other possible tools for suicide.
More information can be found under the following links.